At just shy of two years Trick-or-Treat delivered her first litter. We do not believe in youngsters having litters.
It is hard on them and hard on the pups. Although she is a smaller collie, 50 lbs when in good form, she still produced 8
puppies, all survived and all very healthy. She weaned at 8 weeks so she is still in recovery. Her coat, though normally very
full was trimmed back before delivery to aid her in comfort during the hot weather and sanitation for her and the puppies.
Her puppies are guaranteed to be free of congenital defects that would prevent them from performing the duties for which they
were purchased for 10 years.

Trick-or-Treat is a normal-eyed, two-year-old, blue merle female. She is very agile with good herding instinct. She is
now beginning to put on weight and her coat is just starting to show its sheen and come back in. The undercoat will be next.
She should be back in full coat by midwinter. Trick-or-Treat shares in the livestock duties yet is calm and well-behaved indoors.
Her lineage includes Wolf Manor and Valiant.

Trick-or-Treat after weaning pups |

a nice even bite |

straight hocks, though she needs a bit of weight alright |