Welcome to our goat site!
Here at Lazy S Ranch, we think goats are wonderful. They give us milk, wool, meat and
mow our yards! They aren't as expensive to keep as cattle and they are easier to handle than sheep. Here we have beautiful
purebred Nubians and one cross. They are a very old breed and are good for both dairy and meat and also make wonderful companions.
They are well-maintained and vet checked yearly. The milk they give is great. Many of our family and friends prefer it. It
is creamy and has no strong or obnoxious flavor. It is similar in flavor to the milk you buy in the store, only creamier.
And after drinking the goat's milk for the season, we find the store milk tastes like a sweaty cow! Here at the Lazy S we
make ice cream, cheese, yoghurt and occasionally butter from our goats' milk. The meat is not greasy or strong in flavor. It
is closer to beef than lamb. There are many restaurants around the country that are beginning to sell chevon(goat meat). We
sell kids in spring.
Goats are ruminants. This means they have more than one stomach, just like cows, camels, elk and deer. Goats do not graze
like sheep. They browse and do particularly well on bushes, grasses, trees and even a cactus on occasion. They do not eat
everything, as the old stereotype portrays. Just like other ruminants, they must maintain a certain pH in their rumen(one
of the stomachs) or they get sick. So don't feed your goat chocolate or cans or meat(which they usually won't eat anyway).
But they do enjoy an occasional leftover cornbread muffin!
Our featured goat for sale:
Old Dan Tucker |
Champion Grant County Fair 9/27/02
Tuck is sold. He has found a new happy home in Tyrone, New Mexico where he'll be the big buck.
Show Down's Black Gold (Daisy) took reserve at the Grant County Fair, 2002
Did you know that a goat is one of the oldest domestic animals? Many experts say it is the first domestic animal. And
it is no wonder. When you raise a goat with human interaction, the goats seem more interested in people than even your dog!
They will follow people like they people are the head of the herd. If you sit out in the field and read a book, the goats
will come and lie down around you. They are soft spoken and gentle animals. They do butt amongst each other for placement
in the herd, much as dogs play-fight for dominance. And we, as well as other shepherds we know, have seen the goats dancing
together on a warm summers eve!